Why Automated Essay Scoring Is Better For Schools

Some schools are wary of automated essay scoring. While they recognize that students need more writing practice, and teachers often can’t keep up with the grading, they are inclined to go with what they know.

However, the risks of implementing automated essay scoring are not as great as many schools believe. The cost investment is minimal compared to contracting out grading to human scorers. Teachers save time, and schools save money.

In 1997, Vantage Learning’s IntelliMetric® was the first Artificial Intelligence - powered essay scoring robot to reach human level performance and grade one billion essays.  Now regarded as the gold standard in automated essay scoring, IntelliMetric® has graded 100 billion essays and counting.

With greater quality, accuracy, and reliability than human expert scoring, IntelliMetric® is the most capable essay scoring platform on the market.  Accessible any time or place, the web-based tool is capable of both scoring long and short answer responses in more than 20 different languages.

Read on to learn why automated essay scoring is better for schools.


Quality, Accuracy, And Reliability

Automated script marking produces quality feedback on student writing. Students get detailed insights on grammar, spelling, language, originality, organization, and purpose. In studies, feedback provided by IntelliMetric® was proven to be just as accurate and high quality as scores provided by human expert graders.

IntelliMetric® is more accurate because it doesn’t fatigue whether it is grading 10 or 10,000 essays. Teachers may begin a grading session with good intention, but the pressure to get through the work impacts the accuracy of the scores as the hours roll by.

As an Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution, IntelliMetric® never gets tired, always provides thorough feedback, and can grade with quality, accuracy, and consistency that is difficult to achieve through human scoring.


Students Get More Writing Practice

The best way to improve student writing and literacy is to assign more writing practice. The more students write, the more comfortable they become with spelling, grammar, vocabulary, writing structure, and other elements of good prose. This also helps students score better on standardized writing tests.

However, someone needs to grade the writing, so students learn from their mistakes and understand where their strengths lie. If teachers are already overwhelmed with grading, the only solution to assigning more writing practice is to implement an outside solution.


Easy To Get Started

IntelliMetric® isn’t a hurdle to implement. Our friendly representatives can help school districts get started easily and efficiently. For schools that want to save on costs or minimize the features offered by IntelliMetric®, WriteShift is available as a smaller single solution for automated script marking alone.

Both IntelliMetric® and WriteShift integrate with most LMS platforms, so schools can expect a seamless technology experience.


We hear from schools all the time: “We wish we had started earlier.” As AI essay graders are becoming commonplace globally in schools, school districts don’t want their students to be left behind. So, while new solutions may seem intimidating at first, schools that choose IntelliMetric® are happy with the results. 

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