NEW YORK, May 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Expanding its position as a market leader in learning science, McGraw-Hill announced today that it is developing a new artificially intelligent tool that guides students through the entire writing process, and gives higher education instructors a way to efficiently and effectively assign and grade writing. Embedded into McGraw-Hill Connect® digital learning materials for writing done in all course areas, the adaptive tool will help millions of students demonstrate critical and analytical thinking skills and develop writing skills for college-level work and competitive careers.
High district test scores can bring many benefits to your students and school system. On the other hand, schools can lose funding if student test scores fail to meet the benchmark. Did you know that automated essay scoring software is a powerful and effective solution?
For the reading and writing portions of standardized tests, the answer to raising scores is to assign more writing practice because you can automate essay scoring. More writing practice helps students develop as writers and is even proven to improve literacy.
Teachers don’t always have time to score extra assignments, and hiring professional human graders can be costly. This is where IntelliMetric can help.
Literacy is a right for every child. Helping students learn to read and write will set them on the path to future success and ensure they have the tools they need to thrive in society.
Reading and writing go hand in hand. Did you know that reading AND writing are both necessary to foster literacy?
Put the power of IntelliMetric to work in your schools. IntelliMetric works with other tools like Ziptales, MyAccess, and CorrectEnglish to create a continuous journey to literacy starting with pre-school and extending far beyond high school graduation.
Here are three ways literacy can make a difference in students’ lives:
Some schools are wary of automated essay scoring. While they recognize that students need more writing practice, and teachers often can’t keep up with the grading, they are inclined to go with what they know.
However, the risks of implementing automated essay scoring are not as great as many schools believe. The cost investment is minimal compared to contracting out grading to human scorers. Teachers save time, and schools save money.
In 1997, Vantage Learning’s IntelliMetric® was the first Artificial Intelligence - powered essay scoring robot to reach human level performance and grade one billion essays. Now regarded as the gold standard in automated essay scoring, IntelliMetric® has graded 100 billion essays and counting.
Marking scripts has never been easier with IntelliMetric®. Teachers save time and school districts save money – but best of all, students get more writing practice and improve in literacy and writing skills.
The time to act is now if you would like to implement automated script marking before September. By this time, many other school systems will be using an essay scoring machine to improve writing development, and you don’t want your students to be left behind.
What makes IntelliMetric® so extraordinary? It has graded over 100 billion essays with accuracy, consistency, and reliability greater than human expert scoring.
IntelliMetric® raises the bar for your school district simply and efficiently.
Automated essay scoring is taking a foothold in schools around the world. Student writing development is essential as competition increases for top university admissions and more employers look for writing skills when hiring applicants.
In an increasingly globalized world, students who come from school systems where writing isn’t a focus will be edged out of jobs and university spots. Any advantage school systems can gain in helping students learn to write is an opportunity.
An essay scoring machine like IntelliMetric® is not a risky investment. It has been proven to mark scripts with the same level of quality, accuracy, reliability, and attention to detail as top human expert graders.
School systems across the world are embracing automated essay scoring. And for good reason. IntelliMetric® is helping schools mark scripts with greater accuracy, quality, and reliability. The more easily your schools can mark scripts, the more writing prompts teachers can assign. Research shows that extra writing practice is what students need to improve their writing skills.
Writing skills are a determining factor in students’ future success. Students will need to be able to write well both at the university level and likely in their future careers. Getting into university and applying for jobs is very competitive. You’ll want to make sure that other school systems are not preparing their students better with automated essay scoring, leaving your students at a disadvantage.
With the abrupt ending of last school year and the uncertain beginning of this year, students in your district may have missed out on important writing development opportunities.
Perhaps they didn’t get to complete final papers or summer assignments. Teachers may also be easing into the school year now so that online or socially-distanced lessons go smoothly.
However world conditions may have shaped education in 2020, it’s essential that students keep pace with grade-level writing standards.
Many students will want to get into great colleges, and every student will need writing skills when they enter the workforce.
So if you feel student writing development has been hurt by this year, now is the time to get it back on track. Read on to learn how IntelliMetric can help.
Education relies upon testing as a benchmark, and testing requires grading. In the past, this meant countless hours of work for human graders, manually reading each project or student essay for scoring. Today, IntelliMetric has changed that.
Since 1997, IntelliMetric has been the leading Artificial Intelligence software on the market for scoring constructed response work from students. It’s one of the most exciting applications of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and AI since the technology’s inception.
Whether you are a school principal, a Board of Education executive, or simply a tax-paying parent, you likely share one common concern: how can we give our children the best education while maintaining a sensible budget?
Lack of funding is a challenge that many school districts face. Just ask teachers, many of whom have publically voiced frustration about their low salaries via district-wide strikes or media interviews over the years.
As with many facets of our society, one solution to this ever-present issue comes in the form of evolving technology. Read on to learn how advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and natural language understanding (NLU) are paving the way for brighter futures for our students and schools.