In Schools
One of the biggest hurdles for teachers is going home after work to more work - grading papers.
Teachers can run out of focus due to the high volume of grading and give students they think are talented writers better grades.
What happens if a student has been working on their writing, and their skills improve? A tired teacher might not recognize this after hours of grading, but IntelliMetric® would - because it has no prior conception of the student.
In Job Hiring
Age, gender, and ethnicity can sometimes lead to bias when evaluating writing samples in job applications. These factors are engrained in society and not always transparent to everyone.
IntelliMetric® does not recognize any of these factors and scores written applications in line with research-based criteria that signifies great writing.
Irrelevant types of knowledge work against evaluating writing. IntelliMetric® provides high-quality, reliable, and consistent scores based on the criteria that shows whether the writer has achieved mastery of this important skill.